Late to Grid - Grassroots Racing
We share the stories and inspiration that will help get more people behind the wheel and on the track. Track days, HPDE, SCCA, NASA, ChampCar, LeMons, and autocrossing - we interview drivers and industry insiders that will help drivers along their motorsports journey.
The name, Late To Grid? In the past the host, Bill Snow, was always late to the track, late to get the car ready, and hence - Late To Grid. His goal with the podcast is to grow the sport and highlight the tools and resources that will help you get to the track and faster behind the wheel.
Late to Grid - Grassroots Racing
The Sponsor Side of Sponsorships
In this episode ai sit down with Saevar Thordarson from Heritage Coffee in Solon Ohio to talk about why his company decided to sponsor a race team.
We talk about what he liked in the opportunity, how his involved has helped his business and its future growth plan, and how motorsports sponsorships differ from the other advertising pitches a business owner gets bombarded with.
Saevar and his team have gotten involved with the Rad Air Racing team and Saevar talks about the first few months of that relationship.
If you want to learn more about racing and motorsports sponsorships, check out my episode on sponsorships. Building A Racing Sponsorship Plan
Looking for track day tires? Bill can save you some money!
The new Continental ExtremeContact Force 200 is out and is the tire everyone is talking about. Head over to trackdaytire.com, add four ECF tires to your cart and enter code SnowVIP and that 4th tire ends up being free. How awesome is that? Great tires and saving money. Plus, if you are in the Akron or Cleveland Ohio area, have the Atomic Autosports team mount and balance them for you.
Check out our sponsors:
LMS-EFI Website, Facebook, Instagram
Atomic Autosports Website, Facebook, Instagram
ETC Coaching Michael Ribas on LinkedIn, ETC Website, ETC Instagram
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Our Host, Bill - Instagram and TikTok
Thanks for listening and taking an interest in growing grassroots racing. The Late To Grid podcast shares the stories and inspiration that help listeners along their motorsports journey.
Find all episodes on the Atomic Autosports website.